Stephen Hawking has a new hobby in his belt, and this time it's not making guest spots on "Star Trek" or "The Simpsons." Instead, he's turning to astrophotography, using a computer-controlled telescope and camera assembly to capture ground-based pictures of solar system bodies, stellar objects, and cosmic collisions.

Hawking is using a consumer grade Celestron telescope,  so this is one easy way to be like the man for whom Hawking Radiation is named. Check out some of his shots: 

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A cosmic ray collision is in view, along with two galaxies.

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There's the surface of the moon (which you really should leave up to the computers and not the naked eye as reflected sunlight can still hurt your eyes).

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The Orion Nebula looking rather pretty.

There's more info over at the Cambridge University News site. We're looking forward to Stephen's next shots.

Source: io9

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John Wenz
John Wenz is a Popular Mechanics writer and space obsessive based in Philadelphia. He tweets @johnwenz.